Invest in people and retain talent for your organization

One of the main reasons why employees leave a company is a lack of career development. Offer employees development and growth opportunities that match their skills and ambitions and retain talent for your organization.


Improved employee engagement and internal mobility

Give your employees the right tools to gain insight into their skills and to develop their own internal career path. Actively offers internal growth opportunities so that talent is retained for your organization.

Improved employee engagement

Matching skills to tasks boosts happiness, productivity and innovation.

Optimal use of internal talent

Match the right employee with the right task and reduce the need for external hiring.

Increased employee retention

Better and more internal career development options ensure higher employee retention.

Improve employee retention and reduce costs

Retaining the right talent is crucial to the success of your organization. Investing in employee retention by offering matching development and growth opportunities ultimately reduces costs.

of employees who quit say the reason is a lack of career development.
the employee's annual salary is equal to the costs of replacing an individual employee.
other usecases

Skills mapping

To be successful you need the right people with the right skills. But how do you know who has which skills and where the opportunities and challenges lie? We structure the skills framework of your organization and ensure that it is continuously up to date.

Future-proof workforce

The lifespan of a skill is becoming shorter and rapid technological changes means that more and more new skills are required. Upskilling and reskilling is therefore one of the most important pillars, now and in the future, of a successful organization.


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